In the average bakery or confectioner’s operation, the race is on. Machines and workers crank out production at a breakneck pace to maximize efficiency and get their goods out the door while they’re fresh.
But in the heat of the operation, could there be an issue with one vital piece of equipment?
Take our recent client, a large-scale bakery making use of old metal carts to race their cakes and pies between locales. As metal trays slid onto the metal carts all day, it created miniscule metal shavings that contaminated the food. This was a sticking point when the FDA inspector came around.
This durable stainless steel cart with custom plastic guide rails to alleviate any type of contamination risk. Made from FDA-approved material UHMW, the cart solves two problems at once: compliance with industry standards and durability that makes for smoother, more efficient operations.
With FDA inspectors checking periodically for your compliance with FSMA, it’s never been more important that your equipment is up to par. Take charge of your compliance now to avoid expensive charges later—partner with us to manufacture your carts and replacement parts that ensure safety, efficiency, and FDA approval.
For decades, we’ve been providing companies like yours with solutions to problems that cost them time and money. As alternatives to metal, our large selection of plastics offer superior:
We’ll take the time to understand your operations and determine the best possible solution for your needs and budget.
Contact us today for a free quote, or call (610) 926-3245 to start the conversation. You can also shoot us an email at .