Reading Plastic: Hydraulic PU Seals Manufacturer

hydraulic pu seals manufacturer
Hydraulic seals play a key role in the function and safety of machinery by blocking or separating fluid in reciprocating motion applications. Hydraulic seals are found in nearly every industry, from construction and marine equipment to food and oil processing equipment. As an experienced hydraulic PU seals manufacturer, Reading Plastic can provide you with durable, tight-tolerance seals to keep your machinery running smoothly.

Benefits of Hydraulic PU Seals

Polyurethanes (PU) have outstanding physical and mechanical properties, especially compared to other elastomers. They have an operating temperature range from -65° to 200°F and have good resistance to petroleum oils, hydrocarbon fuels, ozone, oxidation and weathering. They also have high tensile strength, good electrical insulating properties, and have a high load bearing capacity in both tension and compression. PU offers high elasticity and mechanical strength along with good flexibility, even at low temperatures. Most polyether based polyurethanes also do not support mold, mildew and fungal growth, making them suitable for tropical environments. Polyurethanes have excellent inherent hardness and abrasion resistance, making them the ideal material for hydraulic seals that experience high pressures, shock loads, wide metal tolerances and abrasive contamination. They also stand out for their high strength when it comes to wear and crack growth.

One drawback to hydraulic PU seals is that they can be sensitive to hydrolysis, especially at higher temperatures. They can also quickly deteriorate when exposed to ketones, acids and chlorinated hydrocarbons. However, there are varieties of polyurethane materials that can resist hydrolysis and a wide array of acids. As an experienced hydraulic PU seals manufacturer, we can help you select the right polyurethane material for your project.

How are Hydraulic PU Seals Used?

Hydraulic PU seals are on the border of high-pressure and low-pressure seals. High-pressure sealing typically refers to containing fluids at pressures over 5,000 psi. There are enhanced polyurethanes that are suitable for up to 5,000 psi, but most hydraulic PU seals are rated for low-pressure situations and function satisfactorily there without the need for special provisions. Polyurethane hydraulic seals are inexpensive and easy to manufacturer, making them cost-effective both for replacement parts and high-volume sales.

Choose an Experienced Hydraulic PU Seals Manufacturer

Hydraulic PU seals are ideal for low-pressure sealing and dust seals, especially for low-temperature applications or environments where severe wear proves challenging. At Reading Plastic, we have decades of experience precision machining high-performance seals for demanding environments. We have the skills and state-of-the-art equipment necessary to meet all your hydraulic PU seal needs.

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