RADEL R®5500 Machinability: Reading Plastic is Up to the Challenge

radel r5500 machinabilityPPSU (polyphenylsulfone) is a lightweight plastic with high operating temperature (350°F) and dimensional stability, good electrical insulating properties and favorable dielectric characteristics. This high performance plastic maintains its toughness across a wide temperature range and has good chemical compatibility as well as very good resistance to high energy radiation (gamma and X-rays). There are a variety of PPSU grades available, including Radel® 5500. When it comes to Radel® 5500 machinability, Reading Plastic & Metal has the passion and capabilities to deliver to perfection.

What is Radel PPSU?

Radel® PPSU is an amorphous, high-performance thermoplastic that is lightweight, available in bone-white or black colors, and can be both transparent or opaque. Similar to other amorphous thermoplastics, Radel® PPSU is thermoform capable, translucent, and easily bonded. Some superior qualities include:

What is Radel® 5500?

Radel® 5500 is a biocompatible, medical-grade resin that is FDA and MSF approved for food and beverage contact. This unique polymer grade meets the stringent aircraft flammability requirements while also being biocompatible. It can be used for a wide array of applications, including:

Challenges of Machining Radel® 5500

Amorphous thermoplastics, like PPSU, are especially prone to stress-cracking. To reduce the likelihood of cracking and premature failure, annealing is a critical step in machining PPSU plastic. Annealing is a heat treatment that alters the properties of a polymer to increase its ductility and reduce its hardness. The plastic is heated above its recrystallization temperature for a specific period of time and then allowed to cool back down. This process changes the structure of the polymer to be finer and more uniform and relieves internal stresses in the material. As a result, the polymer will have better mechanical and thermal stability over time and better adhere to tolerances. Properly annealing PPSU parts ensures peak performance and extends their life.

Reading Plastic & Metal Delivers Radel® 5500 Machinability with Ease

At Reading Plastic, we have over four decades of experience delivering precision plastic parts to clients in nearly every industry. If you need PPSU plastic parts that will deliver high performance and long part life, contact us today at 610-926-3245 or .

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