What Is Nylon? Why Employ Nylon Parts in Critical Applications?

nylon sprockets

What is Nylon? Unlike plastics such as PEEK and VESPEL, Nylon enjoys recognition and usage in households every day. In part, this is due to its invention in 1935 as a “miracle fiber” for women’s stockings, an application in which it’s still used today. Nylon is also common in durable fabrics (think tents, sports uniforms, and parachutes) and in parts that make the engine compartments of vehicles run smoothly.s

Nylon is a synthetic thermoplastic linear polyamide known for its strength, temperature resilience and chemical compatibility. Today, in addition to fortifying a wealth of consumer goods, Nylon is becoming a popular replacement for aluminum, steel, bronze, brass, wood and rubber in engineering applications.

In this blog, we’ll break down a few properties that make nylon parts ideal for many applications.

Nylon Parts – Properties & Common Applications 

Nylon can be injection molded or machined into highly precise parts. Here are the properties that have kept this material relevant for nearly a century:

Common Nylon parts include bearings, wear pads, washers, bushings, sprockets, tubes and more. Highly machinable and available in a variety of grades, Nylon could be the key to improving your operation.

Consider converting a traditionally metal part to Nylon or another advanced plastic for superior properties that could bring about better performance and fewer breakdowns. Learn more about metal-to-plastic conversion.

Contact Us For Fast Precise Parts 

Reading Plastic has established a reputation for precise plastic parts that solve problems. We’re the company to call when you need your parts to hold close tolerances and be machined with efficiency.

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