Acetal Plastic Material and Its Uses

acetal plastic

At Reading Plastic & Metal, we specialize in machining and fabricating precise parts and components from the world’s most advanced engineering materials. One of the plastics we work with extensively is acetal plastic, also known as polyoxymethylene (POM). Acetal is a highly versatile material, making it a popular choice across various industries. Let’s explore this material’s properties and possible applications.

Understanding Acetal 

Acetal plastic is a semi-crystalline thermoplastic known for its exceptional balance of mechanical and chemical properties. It offers high strength, stiffness, and dimensional stability, even under varying temperatures and humidity levels. Additionally, acetal has low friction, making it ideal for parts that require smooth movement and wear resistance.

This combination of properties means that acetal is a suitable substitute for metal in many applications. It’s also resistant to a wide range of chemicals, including hydrocarbons, solvents, and neutral chemicals, further expanding its usability. Due to this versatility, it can withstand both wet and dry environments, making acetal products strong and reliable from a longevity standpoint.


The unique properties of acetal plastic translate into a diverse range of applications across numerous industries. Some common products that it can be used to make include:

Reading Plastic & Metal: Your Partner in Acetal Fabrication

At Reading Plastic & Metal, we understand the importance of precision and client collaboration. To deliver this blend, our experienced professionals attentively supervise all projects while using advanced equipment to complete them. Our dedication to exceptional service and the use of top-quality materials is sure to get even the toughest jobs done with the utmost accuracy and efficiency.

If you require high-quality plastic or metal components, Reading Plastic & Metal is your ideal partner. Contact us or call us at 610-926-3245 today to discover our expertise and commitment to fulfilling your unique project needs.

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